Wednesday, 24 October 2018

What is the HornetQ Messaging System?

HornetQ is an open source project to build a multi-protocol, embeddable, clustered messaging system with very high performance, .

Messaging systems (or MOM for Message-oriented middleware) are systems focused on sending and receiving messages to increase the interoperability, flexibility and the performance of applications. They decouple the producers of messages from the consumers. The producers and consumers of messages are completely independent and are not aware of each other spatially (they can run on different nodes) and temporally (they do not need to be running at the same time, the producers can send messages even if there is no consumers and vice versa). This allows to create systems more flexible and loosely coupled than using remote procedure calls (or RPC).

Messaging systems are often used to implement as message bus which loosely couples heterogeneous systems together. Using a message bus to decouple disparate systems allows the systems to grow independtly and adapt more easily. It provides more flexibility to add new systems or update existing ones since they don't have brittle tight-coupled dependencies on each other.

Here are some of the screenshots:

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